We hope SwissBioisostere has been useful for your research. If so, please cite the following publications:

Cuozzo, A., Daina, A., Perez, MAS., Michielin, O., and Zoete, V. (2022). SwissBioisostere 2021: updated structural, bioactivity and physicochemical data delivered by a reshaped web interface. Nucl. Acids Res. 50(D1), D1382–D1390.

Daina, A., Cuozza A. Perez, MAS., and Zoete, V. (2024). Daina, A., Cuozzo, A., Perez, M. A., & Zoete, V. (2024). Bioisosteric Replacement for Drug Discovery Supported by the SwissBioisostere Database. in Open Access Databases and Datasets for Drug Discovery, Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry, 83 (Wiley & sons), 101-138.

Wirth, M., Zoete, V., Michielin, O., and Sauer, W. (2013). SwissBioisostere: a database of molecular replacements for ligand design. Nucl. Acids Res. 41(D1), D1137–D1343.